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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Extraordinary Objects Reception Tonight 6-8PM

Please join us this evening from 6-8pm, for our opening reception of "Extraordinary Objects", featuring the works of Laura De Anna, John de Wit, Paul DiPasqua, and Gale Hart.


Through the month of December Solomon Dubnick Gallery presents the work of four exceptional artists producing work in a variety of mediums. Whether functional or not, the pieces transcend the concept of artwork as being decorative and each stands on its own as an “extraordinary object”.

John de Wit, a native of Woodland, is among the most innovative glass artists working in the Seattle area. His work explores "the vessel as canvas" through painting and incising techniques. John has gained prestigious international honors for his work, and most recently served as Artist in Residence at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma.

Paul DiPasqua has spent much of his career assembling things out of found materials in order to redeem our culture's wealth of misdirected efforts and horrible things. He's also produced a large body of work in photography, collage, painting and mixed media. Paul lives, works, and teaches in the Chico area.

Laura De Anna maintains her jewelry studio in the Sierra foothills near Placerville. She was recently honored as an "Emerging Artist" at the annual Celebration of Craftswomen in San Francisco. Many of you may have seen Laura's work at our 2nd Saturdays on 20th Street.

Gale Hart is a Sacramento painter, sculptor, gallery owner and animal rights activist who produces remarkable furniture out of recycled steel. Gale has also assembled a number of widely acclaimed theme exhibitions at her studio, in addition to her prodigious output of artwork.

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